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"Everywhere I look, the wise woman looks back

And she smiles."


I would like to invite you, Wise Woman, as we all are, to a loving and insightful circle that will assist our Sacred Feminine Essence. A circle of introspection, embodiment, and sharing for self-development. We get to know ourselves by sharing with others. 


These circles will take place once every two weeks and some sessions will be inspired by a different Mythical Goddess. Every circle will have its own dances, rituals, music, and exercises in order to nourish, regenerate and expand our bodies and souls and in order to connect to our own dimensions of power, healing, and inner wisdom.


These circles are a way of staying connected to ourselves, to our power, our emotions, and our bodies in awareness and in communion with other sisters. The world can feel a bit isolating at the moment and I would like to create a space that helps us remain interconnected and weave something meaningful together. If we need to cry, let's cry together! We hold space for each other. We care for each other.

This is an invitation to open your heart to kindness and compassion and to the high frequency of love, to allow the circles to heal yourself and those around you in blessing. 

Together we will illuminate the bridge to Source in ourselves and shine our light into this world in Health, Wholeness, Holiness, and Nourishment in the Wise Woman Way. 

I look forward to getting to know you. 

With a loving presence,







On days i could not move

it was women

who came to water my feet

until i was strong enough

to stand

it was women

who nourished me

back to life


-sisters by Rupi Kaur

For further details, questions and to make an appointment, contact me, It will be my honor and pleasure.

Keren Uriel  +351 935238264 

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